Gottfried elex wiki
Gottfried elex wiki

gottfried elex wiki

He haes juist as lairge a place baith in the history o philosophy an in the history o mathematics. Leibniz haed a muckle role in the European politics an diplomacy o his day. He wrocht as factotum tae twa muckle German noble hooses (ane becomin the Breetish ryal faimlie at the time he wis wirkin for it). Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, cried Leibnitz or von Leibniz as weel (1 Julie (21 Juin Auld Style) 1646 – 14 November 1716) wis a German scientist that scrieved maistly in French an Latin. The normal short form of the second word), e.g.Berkeley, Platner, Voltaire, Hume, Kant, Russell, Wiener, Gödel, Riemann, Gauss, Lagrange, Euler, Heidegger, Peirce, Benoit Mandelbrot, Wundt, Frege, Rescher Or five letters of the second word (and, in rare cases, plus the last letter of With the first two letters of the first word plus the first two, three, four, InĬases wherein such code has been assigned to another term, the term is encoded The first two letters of the second word of the term. Two-word entriesĪ two-word term is encoded with the first two letters of the first word plus “ bigram (两词词块) → bigr,” “ disambiguate→ diam,” “ interlanguage→ inlang” (given “inla” has been assigned to the term “inclusive language”), “ intermarry→ inma”. Prefix plus the first three, four, or five letters of the stem, e.g. Plus the first two letters of the stem, or (when theĬode has been assigned to another term,) the first two letters of the Letters) and a stem is usually encoded with the first two letters of the prefix “ contingence→ conting,”Ī term formed of a prefix (usually a long one, i.e. Too long (with more than five letters), the last letter of the suffix may be omitted, e.g. “ implicitness→ implts,” “ markedness→ marks,” “ experiment→ expet,” “ explicitation→ expln,” “ acceptability→ accey,” “ experience→ expee,” (altogether 219121 instances in OED), is encoded with the first four, or (when the code has been assigned to another term,) theįirst five letters of its stem plus the last letter of the suffix (less familiar suffixes such as “- ism” (75050 instances in OED), and “ - ility/- ty”

gottfried elex wiki

(altogether 255816 instances in OED), “ - ment” (altogether 453238 instances in OED), “ - ence/- ance” (99693 instances in OED), “ - ation/-ion” More than 70000 instances of usage as indicated in The Oxford English ,” “ represent→ repr,” “ terminology→ term,”Ī noun ended with one of the few most frequently used suffixes (each of which has The code has been assigned to another term,) the first five, six, or One-word entriesĪ one-word term or frequently used word of more than average length is normallyĮncoded with (shortened to) the first four letters, or (when “International Computer Archive of Modern and Medieval English ( ICAME ,国际现代英语及中古英语机储档案库)→ icaeh”. WORD in the term + the LAST LETTER of the LAST WORD in the term,Į.g. To) the FIRST LETTER of each of its FIRST THREE CONTENT WORDS + the FIRST LETTER of the LAST (4) A term made up of four or more words is encoded with (shortened Linguistics, Translation Studies, Language and Translation Technology, and International Phonetic Alphabet, etc.) vii Latin-based font sets (Greek letters, French letters, letters of the dotx ] developed by Ke Ping 8000 items by Januoverġ0000 items by August, 2008, over 11050 items by May, 2022)ģ. Microsoft Word 2003’s default global template and Microsoft Word 2007’s default global template or document building blocks template [ Buildingīlocks. Autotext List of Terms, Labels & References Used in Language and

Gottfried elex wiki